3 Reasons for Self-Publishing an Academic Book

Professionals and scholars often have to compete for valuable publishing space. Traditional publications such as journals and magazines can only publish so many papers in every edition. As such, they need to be quite selective in the works they publish. Additionally, traditional publishing companies are often quite judicious in the books they select for publication.…

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4 Great Tips for Writing an Academic Materials

When authors and publishers set their sights on writing academic-type books and materials, they may be uncertain about what to expect. Often, academic-type books aren’t like those papers in college or high school. In the self-publishing world writing a book on an academic topic requires a lot more focus and depth. In this article, we’ll…

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3 Reasons When Not to Self-Publish a Book

Self-publishing a book is always a great alternative to the hoops and ladders of traditional publishing. Self-publishing offers an opportunity that very few writers and professionals get. This makes it a viable option for anyone who wants to get their message out to the world. There is no question that self-publishing provides writers and professionals…

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3 Ways to Go from a Blog to a Book

Many aspiring writers get their start as bloggers. Experience has shown that blogs offer valuable insights that are not commonly found in mainstream media. More and more, bloggers are respected, especially when they offer the expertise that’s not easily found. As bloggers grow in popularity, more and more people consume their content. Over time, they…

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Self-Publishing for Professionals 101

For any professional, publishing a book in their area of expertise is the ultimate validation of their skills and experience. However, the coveted book deal can be quite elusive. That’s why plenty of professionals turn to self-publishing as an alternative to traditional publishing. Often, traditional publishers are reluctant to give new writers a chance. As…

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Top 3 Myths about Self-Publishing

Self-publishing is filled with myths. Unfortunately, these myths are simply unfounded. They are mainly the result of ignorance. That is why we are going to debunk the top three myths about self-publishing in this article. Myth #1: Self-publishing is easier than traditional publishing. Many folks believe that self-publishing is just about writing a book and…

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4 Reasons Why Self-Published Books Offer High-Quality Content

Critics of self-publishing often point out the lack of quality in self-published content. This is an unfair criticism as traditional publishers have their fair share of low-quality materials. In this article, we’re going to discuss four reasons why self-published materials offer high-quality content. Self-Published Authors Are Passionate In the traditional publishing world, it’s common to…

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3 Things Self-Publishers Need to Know about their Marketing Budget

Experienced publishers know that marketing is the backbone of a successful publishing company. After all, books don’t magically sell themselves. Even famous, well-established writers need to keep their nose to the grindstone. Large traditional publishers often have sizeable marketing budgets. This is something that virtually all self-publishers can’t compete with. That’s why we are going…

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Using Sales Data to Determine Your Niches

It is quite common to hear, “follow your heart” or “do what you love” when it comes to publishing. While this advice is certainly worth considering, it’s also important to consider the bottom line. Alas, authors and publishers need to make a living. As such, it’s important to focus on profitable niches. In this article,…

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The Future of Books: Is This the End of Books?

When talking about the future of books, lots of folks out there ask themselves, will books eventually disappear? Now, this question doesn’t mean to imply that people of the future will stop reading. What it implies is that books, as we know them, may disappear. This is certainly plausible when considering that the future may…

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The Future of Publishing: Print or Digital?

Lots of folks consistently ask themselves, what is the future of publishing? Is it print or digital? There are two answers to this question: a short one and a long one. In this article, we are going to explore both answers to this question. As such, we will determine the future of publishing based on…

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Publishing in 2021: More of the Same?

There is no question that 2020 was quite the year. The pandemic gripping the world forced people and businesses to transform the way they do business regularly. While practically everyone is yearning for a return to the pre-pandemic status quo, the fact is that all bets are off. So, this leaves most people thinking, will…

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The Current State of the Publishing Industry

When thinking about the publishing industry, we must consider the trends that currently shape it. On the whole, these trends make the publishing industry one of the most dynamic industries around. How so? The current trends in the market today have led the publishing industry to continue its transformation from a print model to a…

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Everything You Need to Know about Audible

If you’re serious about producing audiobooks, then you most likely have Audible in your sights. After all, Audible is the largest platform dedicated to providing audiobooks. In this article, we are going to give you the lowdown on Audible, and why it’s become so popular in recent years. What Is Audible? Audible is a subscription…

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3 Ways to Make Your Audiobook Successful

When you set out to produce high-quality audiobooks, it is logical to assume that you want them to be as successful as possible. That’s why you must ensure that your entire creative and production process reflects your commitment to the highest quality content possible. Naturally, successful audiobooks don’t grow on trees. That is why we…

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4 Reasons Why Audiobooks Are Here to Stay

Audiobooks have been around for a while. The difference is that modern technology has made it easier for both producers and consumers to access them. In the olden days, audiobooks were available on LPs or cassette tapes. While these formats worked well enough back in the day, they were cumbersome. You could only store a…

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3 Great Ways to Market Fiction Books

Making a profit in the publishing world depends on a number of factors. Naturally, great content is essential. However, great content alone is not enough to make a business profitable. So, you need to employ tactics that can help your readers find you. After all, it can be hard to find true gems amid the…

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The Truth About Selling Your Books

When most folks think about sales, they imagine piles of cash rolling in every day. While sales can certainly be like that, the truth is that money doesn’t always roll in. This is especially true when you aren’t familiar with the sales cycle of books. In this article, we are going to explore the sales…

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How to Spot Great Fiction Writers

In the publishing business, you’re only as good as the quality of your content. Needless to say, if your content is subpar, your sales and revenue will reflect this. As such, it’s crucial to find great fiction writers that you can feature on your publishing brand. There are two ways in which you can use…

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3 Things to Know About Marketing Your Books

A common misconception is that marketing is about selling a product or service. However, it’s important to know that there is a clear difference between “marketing” and “sales.” Sales are the process by which you deliver a product or service to a customer in exchange for a payment. On the other hand, marketing is about…

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The Truth About Advertising Your Book

Most publishers often mistake ads for marketing. Running ads is just one of the components of a successful marketing mix. As such, you must have a full toolkit that you can use to successfully sell a book. If you focus your sole marketing strategy on ads, then you are missing the big picture. Think about…

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How to Sell Your Book on Your Website

The publishing world seems to be obsessed with Amazon. There is good reason for that. Over 80% of the digital-book business goes through Amazon. As such, Amazon is the place to be. But that doesn’t mean you can’t be successful if you’re not on Amazon. In fact, there are highly successful authors and publishers who…

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4 Skills You Develop from Self-Publishing

You might be surprised to find that self-publishing doesn’t necessarily require you to have a specific skill set, rather it can help you develop new ones. Indeed, self-publishing is not the type of endeavor you can get a college degree for. It’s the type of endeavor that requires experience and expertise but also helps you…

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4 Great Ways to Engage your Readers

Great books seldom get discovered on their own. The chances that your book will become an instant sensation are slim to none. You need to put some effort into marketing your materials. Otherwise, very few people will come into contact with your content. In this article, we are going to look at four great ways…

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3 Effective Ways to Build a Following

One of the biggest challenges that authors and publishers face is building a solid following. A following is a group of dedicated readers that consume material on a regular basis. These dedicated followers will comprise your core group of fans. This group is known as your “tribe.” Your tribe will provide you with the foundation…

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Evergreen Content: What You Need to Know

The most successful authors and publishers have a knack for producing content that stands the test of time. This content does not fade away with time. It is the type of material that generation after generation can find the same type of pleasure. Some of these books are considered classics. Think of Shakespeare. His work…

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3 Easy Things About Self-Publishing

If you believe that publishing your own material is hard, think again. Nowadays, self-publishing has made the entire book publishing journey much easier. In particular, digital tools have enabled authors and publishers to find easy and stress-free ways of making their dreams a reality. Whether you’re looking to publish your first book or set up…

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The 3 Hardest Thing About Self-Publishing

Whoever said that self-publishing was easy didn’t get the full picture. Self-publishing has many moving parts that it can be quite difficult at times to get everything working in sync properly. That’s why lots of folks try self-publishing a try but give up on it quite quickly. The reason for this is because they are…

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4 Things You Need to Consider About Book Bundles

Some of the most successful authors in history have made a killing through publishing a book series. Sagas like Game of Thrones and Twilight have enjoyed massive success throughout the world. These series tell a story that exceeds the scope of a single tome. That’s why the story needs to be split up into various…

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3 Things You Need to Know About KDP Select

KDP Select is a relatively new feature offered by the Kindle bookstore. It is a great option for those authors and publishers that are new to the scene or don’t publish very much. KDP Select is an optional service for any book that’s already in the Kindle Store. It is intended to help boost readership…

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Are Reviews Really that Important?

When it comes to your book gaining traction, the biggest question mark lies in reader reviews. As such, you might ask yourself, “are reviews really that important?” The short answer is yes. Yes, reviews are really that important. Now, it should also be noted that they are not the end-all and be all. Just because…

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The 3 Best Topics for Audiobooks

Going the audiobook route can open a brand-new revenue stream for your publishing business. After all, not everyone has the time to curl up with a good book these days. This is especially true if your target audience is based on generally busy individuals. As such, it’s important to give these folks the opportunity to…

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5 Keys to Choosing an Audiobook Narrator

If going the audiobook route is within your plans, then it makes sense to pick the best one you can find. After all, a good narrator can make a great book even better while a bad one can ruin a great book. Audiobooks have become increasingly popular as folks realize they can listen to content…

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3 Keys to Earning Passive Income with Amazon Kindle

For many folks, the idea of passive income seems like a pipe dream. After all, it seems unbelievable to think that you could make money while you don’t actually “work.” Indeed, passive income seems more like a fairy tale than a reality. However, you might be surprised to find that earning passive income is certainly…

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5 Ways to Use Social Media to Market your Books

Nowadays, social media is the place to be for publishers. If you don’t take advantage of social media, you practically have no presence in the world. Social media provides publishers and authors with a unique opportunity to get their message out there easily and effectively. In this article, we are going to look at five…

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3 Effective Ways to Build a Publishing Brand

One of the hardest things any company can do is build a brand. Building a brand takes time, effort, and consistency. Moreover, a brand can be tarnished in a matter of seconds. That’s why it’s important to have a clear game place when building a brand. In essence, building a brand is about creating an…

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4 Tips on How to Capitalize on your Passion

One of the biggest reasons why folks get into self-publishing is because they have something to say to the world. Specifically, these are topics that hit close to home. Yet, there are times when established publishers may not be interested in such topics. Thus, self-publishing is the easiest way to get your message out there.…

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4 Ways to Maximize Keywords in Self-publishing

In the world of internet searches and algorithms, keywords play a crucial role in making your content visible. When you produce content, it’s important to include all relevant keywords. That way, search engines will have an easier time finding your material. If you fail to include relevant keywords, then your content will be harder to…

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4 Places to Make Passive Income Go A Long Way

Earning passive income is nirvana for most people. For publishers, passive income is a reality. When hard work pays off, you are entitled to enjoy the fruits of your labor. While that doesn’t necessarily mean dedicating the rest of your life to leisure, it does mean making your earnings go as far as they can.…

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3 Reasons Why You Should Publish in Your Name

In the world of publishing, it’s quite common for authors to use pen names. Often, the use of a pen name has practical purposes. Other times, authors may not feel comfortable putting forth certain ideas in their own name. Then, there are times when pennames become necessary due to the volume of books published. Yet,…

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5 Things to Consider about Translating Books

For publishers, translating books is a big step. When books are highly successful in one language, it makes sense to translate it into other languages. After all, the language barrier is often insurmountable for some readers. Generally speaking, successful books in English often get translated into multiple languages. Readers from around the world would be…

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5 Keys to a Great Cover

The old saying “never judge a book by its cover” doesn’t always hold up well. All too often, people do judge books by their cover. For some, a cover is reason enough to purchase the book. For others, a bad cover can drive them away.That is why a great cover is the cherry on top…

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It’s Never Too Late to Start Building Passive Income

Passive income is a taxable revenue that you earn without actively working. This term loosely describes the various means of earning without needing a full-time job. It encompasses all money you make from investments, dividends, royalties, and other means. The IRS disagrees with the loose definition of passive income, so you should acquire a tax…

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Looking Beyond Amazon

When you think of self-publishing, Amazon is often first in mind, but there are more profitable options. For those who are hesitant to bring more profit to Amazon’s coffers, consider working with companies like Barnes & Noble Press, Apple Books, or Rakuten Kobo. You may wonder why anyone would not want to market on Amazon.…

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Never stop thinking about the Next Big Thing

For every brand, business, and freelancer online, keeping up with trends is crucial to staying relevant with their targeted audiences. Monitoring new topics and keywords help in several ways. As mentioned earlier, it keeps you connected. Examples of this include: Knowing whether your brand is recognized, researching what else is trendy, and knowing topics you…

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