How Self-Publishing Leads to Financial Freedom

Financial freedom is a dream we all share, though our take on what that means is different. For some, financial freedom means buying everything you want, when you want. For others, it is becoming free of debt. The technical definition is affording your living expenses so you can focus your time and energy elsewhere. Regardless…

Looking Beyond Amazon

When you think of self-publishing, Amazon is often first in mind, but there are more profitable options. For those who are hesitant to bring more profit to Amazon’s coffers, consider working with companies like Barnes & Noble Press, Apple Books, or Rakuten Kobo. You may wonder why anyone would not want to market on Amazon.…

Never stop thinking about the Next Big Thing

For every brand, business, and freelancer online, keeping up with trends is crucial to staying relevant with their targeted audiences. Monitoring new topics and keywords help in several ways. As mentioned earlier, it keeps you connected. Examples of this include: Knowing whether your brand is recognized, researching what else is trendy, and knowing topics you…