4 Great Ways to Engage your Readers

Great books seldom get discovered on their own. The chances that your book will become an instant sensation are slim to none. You need to put some effort into marketing your materials. Otherwise, very few people will come into contact with your content. In this article, we are going to look at four great ways…

3 Effective Ways to Build a Following

One of the biggest challenges that authors and publishers face is building a solid following. A following is a group of dedicated readers that consume material on a regular basis. These dedicated followers will comprise your core group of fans. This group is known as your “tribe.�? Your tribe will provide you with the foundation…

Evergreen Content: What You Need to Know

The most successful authors and publishers have a knack for producing content that stands the test of time. This content does not fade away with time. It is the type of material that generation after generation can find the same type of pleasure. Some of these books are considered classics. Think of Shakespeare. His work…

3 Self-Publishing Success Stories to Get You Motivated

Plenty of authors out there dream of writing the next, great bestseller. Some dream of fame and notoriety. Others dream of the financial windfall that this would represent. For others still, it’s just a question of making a lifelong dream come true. Regardless of what your intentions are, self-publishing can give you the opportunity you…