The 3 Best Topics for Audiobooks

Going the audiobook route can open a brand-new revenue stream for your publishing business. After all, not everyone has the time to curl up with a good book these days. This is especially true if your target audience is based on generally busy individuals. As such, it’s important to give these folks the opportunity to…

5 Keys to Choosing an Audiobook Narrator

If going the audiobook route is within your plans, then it makes sense to pick the best one you can find. After all, a good narrator can make a great book even better while a bad one can ruin a great book. Audiobooks have become increasingly popular as folks realize they can listen to content…

Amazon Ads for Publishers: What You Need to Know

When you seek to publish on Amazon Kindle, your content will get placed amid a sea of many other titles and authors. As such, readers have an unlimited amount of options to choose from. That’s good for the reader but no so good for publishers. Often, this means that your content might get lost in…

3 Keys to Earning Passive Income with Amazon Kindle

For many folks, the idea of passive income seems like a pipe dream. After all, it seems unbelievable to think that you could make money while you don’t actually “work.�? Indeed, passive income seems more like a fairy tale than a reality. However, you might be surprised to find that earning passive income is certainly…

5 Ways to Use Social Media to Market your Books

Nowadays, social media is the place to be for publishers. If you don’t take advantage of social media, you practically have no presence in the world. Social media provides publishers and authors with a unique opportunity to get their message out there easily and effectively. In this article, we are going to look at five…

3 Effective Ways to Build a Publishing Brand

One of the hardest things any company can do is build a brand. Building a brand takes time, effort, and consistency. Moreover, a brand can be tarnished in a matter of seconds. That’s why it’s important to have a clear game place when building a brand. In essence, building a brand is about creating an…

4 Tips on How to Capitalize on your Passion

One of the biggest reasons why folks get into self-publishing is because they have something to say to the world. Specifically, these are topics that hit close to home. Yet, there are times when established publishers may not be interested in such topics. Thus, self-publishing is the easiest way to get your message out there.…

4 Ways to Maximize Keywords in Self-publishing

In the world of internet searches and algorithms, keywords play a crucial role in making your content visible. When you produce content, it’s important to include all relevant keywords. That way, search engines will have an easier time finding your material. If you fail to include relevant keywords, then your content will be harder to…