Using Sales Data to Determine Your Niches

It is quite common to hear, “follow your heart�? or “do what you love�? when it comes to publishing. While this advice is certainly worth considering, it’s also important to consider the bottom line. Alas, authors and publishers need to make a living. As such, it’s important to focus on profitable niches. In this article,…

2021 Marketing: Selling Books during the Pandemic

In 2020, the pandemic set the tone for all marketing efforts in the publishing industry. With 2021 upon us, it appears that the pandemic will continue for the foreseeable future. So, it’s important to take this into account as you move your marketing efforts forward. In this article, we’re going to take a look at…

The Future of Books: Is This the End of Books?

When talking about the future of books, lots of folks out there ask themselves, will books eventually disappear? Now, this question doesn’t mean to imply that people of the future will stop reading. What it implies is that books, as we know them, may disappear. This is certainly plausible when considering that the future may…

The Future of Publishing: Print or Digital?

Lots of folks consistently ask themselves, what is the future of publishing? Is it print or digital? There are two answers to this question: a short one and a long one. In this article, we are going to explore both answers to this question. As such, we will determine the future of publishing based on…

Publishing in 2021: More of the Same?

There is no question that 2020 was quite the year. The pandemic gripping the world forced people and businesses to transform the way they do business regularly. While practically everyone is yearning for a return to the pre-pandemic status quo, the fact is that all bets are off. So, this leaves most people thinking, will…

The Current State of the Publishing Industry

When thinking about the publishing industry, we must consider the trends that currently shape it. On the whole, these trends make the publishing industry one of the most dynamic industries around. How so? The current trends in the market today have led the publishing industry to continue its transformation from a print model to a…