3 Reasons for Self-Publishing an Academic Book

Professionals and scholars often have to compete for valuable publishing space. Traditional publications such as journals and magazines can only publish so many papers in every edition. As such, they need to be quite selective in the works they publish. Additionally, traditional publishing companies are often quite judicious in the books they select for publication.…

4 Things to Avoid When Self-Publishing an Academic Book

Critics of self-publishing argue that self-published books lack quality. While it is true that some self-published books leave much to be desired, the truth is that many others are the result of years and hard work by their authors. In the academic world, there’s even more scrutiny. Critics often look down on self-published books, somehow…

4 Tips for Self-Publishing an Academic Book

Academic books can be quite challenging to publish. Mainly, new authors find it hard to get their foot in the door. Book agents often look for sure bets. This stacks the odds against most aspiring authors. As such, some authors turn to self-publishing as a means of getting their work out there. In general, self-publishing…

3 Great Research Databases for Academic Writing

The core of great academic writing is research. Often, research can be a lengthy process. It can take weeks, months, or even years before the right materials emerge. There are times when a topic is so innovative that very little literature is available on the subject. This makes research just a little harder. Additionally, conducting…

4 Great Tips for Writing an Academic Materials

When authors and publishers set their sights on writing academic-type books and materials, they may be uncertain about what to expect. Often, academic-type books aren’t like those papers in college or high school. In the self-publishing world writing a book on an academic topic requires a lot more focus and depth. In this article, we’ll…

4 Great Ways to Engage your Readers

Great books seldom get discovered on their own. The chances that your book will become an instant sensation are slim to none. You need to put some effort into marketing your materials. Otherwise, very few people will come into contact with your content. In this article, we are going to look at four great ways…

3 Effective Ways to Build a Following

One of the biggest challenges that authors and publishers face is building a solid following. A following is a group of dedicated readers that consume material on a regular basis. These dedicated followers will comprise your core group of fans. This group is known as your “tribe.” Your tribe will provide you with the foundation…