If you have existing content that you need edited or revised then this is the service for you. Our editing team will help you polish your existing content until it shines.
The editing team will confirm that the book meets all of the client’s requests using the original order details. They will read through the introduction and chapter 1 to ensure the writer has a firm grasp on the content in question and will represent the content and the client in a respectful and accurate manner. They then move on to fixing common grammar and spelling errors and fill in missing words while also using this time as an opportunity to spot check every page for more serious errors. They double check the conclusion and the description are both on brand and a fitting explanation of the book’s ideas. They correct all formatting based on client needs/formatting package requests. This process typically takes about 7 days. They will also honor three rounds of revision requests for one month from the final draft delivery date.
This option assigns one premium editor to your book and provides them with the freedom they need to go over it with a fine-toothed comb. They won't stop until the best possible version of the book is revealed and will provide unlimited revisions for a month after the edited version is delivered to ensure this is the case.
Our custom copyright page helps to ensure that your book remains safe and secure, while also helping to absolve you from any hardship that may ensue should the advice within be used incorrectly.
Let your writer create a 500 word description of your book designed to highlight it's best qualities and make customers anxious to read it. After all, who knows your book better than the person who wrote it?
Every book written by our team of writers is checked for plagiarism before it is sent to you. This option provides a copy of the scan for your records.
Our pictures are sourced from a variety of royalty-free sources. Please note we are not currently equipped to offer uniquely personalized pictures such as unique pictures for each recipe in a recipe book.
These pictures are sourced from a variety of royalty-free sources. Please note this does not include uniquely personalized pictures such as unique pictures for each recipe in a recipe book. For those types of pictures we suggest the licensed stock photo option below.
If you are looking for highly specific images to accompany your project then our licensed stock photos are for you. Not only will these images be of a higher quality and of a greater specificity than those from our royalty free option but they are also fully licensed for commercial use in your book. With this option we can either source images for you or you may visit depositphotos.com directly and choose to images you wish us to place in the document once it has been written.
Your writer will generate charts and graphs to elucidate relevant content throughout your book as needed.
Would you like to publish your eBook online but don’t know how to get started—or don’t want to be bothered with all the extra legwork? Have no fear! Add this essential publishing package to your order and let EWS handle the hard part. We’ll take care of all of the intricate details involved in creating your book’s specialized formatting for electronic publication.
The end result is your eBook converted to the EPUB, MOBI, AZW3, and PDF formats, giving it total and complete compatibility with all major reader applications. In short, the publishing package is a no-brainer for authors aiming to maximize the number of eyeballs on their work—no matter which devices their readers are using.