Building a personal brand often takes years of hard work and dedication. However, there may come a point where you need to boost your personal brand’s visibility. That’s where self-publishing can help you improve your personal brand’s positioning. Interviewer:, HwHw,
Self-publishing is more than just writing a book on your area of expertise. It’s about creating an entire persona that’s designed to help your target audience get the most out of what you have to offer. As such, we’ll be taking a look at three ways in which you can use self-publishing to boost your personal brand.
- Demonstrate You’re an Authority on the Subject
Writing is one of the most effective ways to demonstrate you’re an authority on a subject. You can get started by writing a blog, articles, or contribute to a magazine. Nevertheless, self-publishing can help you position yourself as an authority by getting your material out there to a wide audience. For example, you might already be established as an authority in your home country. With self-publishing, you can become a worldwide authority thanks to the visibility a book can provide. As your material reaches people throughout the world, you’ll find that your personal brand will begin to solidify.
- Offer Relevant Content to your Audience
A book shouldn’t be an exercise in showing how smart you are. A book should be about providing your audience with relevant content they can put to use. While this may not always be the case, you ought to seek to provide your audience with practical information they can use. Therefore, you need to write for your audience, and not for yourself. Your brand’s positioning will improve to the degree that your audience sees the value of your content. Irrelevant or repetitive content may very well get discarded. That’s why it’s best to focus on delivering what your audience really needs.
- Highlight Your Value Proposition
Self-publishing books enable you to clearly highlight your value proposition. If you believe that position your brand is about self-promotion, you might be surprised that it’s not. Positioning your brand should be about showing your audience what you bring to the table. When you clearly state what you have to offer, your audience will find the usefulness of your content. In contrast, shameless self-promotion is a recipe for disaster. Your audience may well be turned off if your content is an exercise in touting yourself. As such, focus on delivering content that solves a need for your audience.
Self-publishing allows you to produce books, white papers, newsletters, blogs, and research findings. Since retaining full editorial control over your content, you can choose content that resonates with your audience. Therefore, the challenge is to produce content that your audience seeks. Please bear in mind that self-publishing enables you to have a direct relationship with your audience. Down the road, you can always ask your followers what they seek. That will allow you to consistently produce relevant and engaging content.