For any professional, publishing a book in their area of expertise is the ultimate validation of their skills and experience. However, the coveted book deal can be quite elusive. That’s why plenty of professionals turn to self-publishing as an alternative to traditional publishing. Often, traditional publishers are reluctant to give new writers a chance. As a result, self-publishing has become such an attractive alternative. In this article, we are going to look at what all professionals need to know before self-publishing their first books.
Self-publishing Isn’t Always about Money
Generally speaking, most people believe that publishing a book is a business venture. While that is true, publishing a book isn’t always about money. In particular, when you self-publish a book it’s about creating visibility for yourself. This means that folks will see you as an established industry expert. After all, if you a good book in you, it means that you are a good professional in your area.
Books Help Build a Personal Brand
Publishing a good book gives you instant credibility. The operative word here is “good.” When you publish a good book, your personal brand automatically jumps forward. Good books help position professionals due to the respect that the public gains for them. As such, a book works as a marketing tool. Please bear in mind that a book is about focusing on the topic and not on self-promotion.
A Bad Book Can Destroy all Credibility
By the same token, a bad book can be disastrous for your career. A bad book is generally either poorly written, or contains inaccurate information. That’s why you must ensure that your book is not only well-written but that all information is accurate and up-to-date. This will avoid any unnecessary character attacks. Also, it’s important to avoid any unfounded claims. If you cannot back something up, it’s best to leave it off. Many times, unsubstantiated claims are a sure-fire way to get into trouble.
Give Credit Where Credit Is Due
The ultimate career killer is plagiarism. If you use text, images, and ideas from other sources, take special care in ensuring your use the appropriate citations and credits. There is absolutely nothing wrong with using others’ materials so long as you make the proper citations. Otherwise, you may be accused of fraud. Naturally, this will put your career in jeopardy.
Seek Help
There is no question that you’re good at what you do. However, you may not necessarily be a professional writer or editor. That’s why it’s a good idea to enlist the help of a professional ghostwriter or editor. These pros can help polish up your book so that it’s high-quality material. You’ll be surprised to find that these services aren’t prohibitive while delivering a high degree of quality.
In the end, publishing your first book ought to be an exciting endeavor and profitable endeavor. That’s why your content should reflect the love you have for your profession. Your audience will come to appreciate the hard work and dedication you have put into your book.