Critics of self-publishing often point out the lack of quality in self-published content. This is an unfair criticism as traditional publishers have their fair share of low-quality materials. In this article, we’re going to discuss four reasons why self-published materials offer high-quality content.
- Self-Published Authors Are Passionate
In the traditional publishing world, it’s common to see volume after volume lacking passion. Traditional publishers are mainly focused on their bottom line. As such, they look for authors who write what sells. In the case of self-published authors, they write out of passion. Readers can pick up this passion right away. This is the classic case of substance over style.
Generally speaking, passionate authors have a hard time getting published. Consequently, they turn to self-publishing as a means of getting their message out to the world. More often than not, self-published authors succeed in sharing their vision with the world.
- Self-Publishers Pay Greater Attention to Detail
Most self-publishers have to get things perfect. This is because self-publishers have to disrupt incumbent publishers. Thus, small self-publishing companies can’t afford to make mistakes. This forces self-publishers to focus on every little detail. Ultimately, this close attention to detail sets apart successful publishers from mediocre ones.
While it’s true that some self-publishers have a glaring lack of quality control, the fact is that successful self-publishers have no alternative. If they want to survive, they have to ensure high-quality content at all times.
- Self-published Titles Are Current
Successful self-publishers know they need to keep up with the times if they want to remain relevant. Since readers gobble up trending topics, self-publishers need to cater to readers’ desires. This phenomenon forces self-publishers to stay current with trends. As a result, authors and self-publishers need to do extensive research consistently. That way, they can bring relevant content to readers regularly. Self-publishers that don’t do their homework often find themselves lagging behind those that do.
- Self-published Content Is Diverse
Undoubtedly, the traditional publishing market is focused on making a profit. Therefore, traditional publishers focus on the most profitable niches. This often leaves many niches unattended. While readership in these niches may be far smaller, the fact is that there is an unfulfilled demand.
This is where self-publishers fill a void left behind by large companies.
Self-publishers often produce content in highly specific niche markets. Therefore, they cater to a select group of readers that look for such topics. As a result, self-publishers become specialized in certain topics. Consequently, self-publishers provide the market with diversity both in terms of content and voices. There is no question that there are subpar self-publishers out there. Of course, the same can be said about traditional publishers, too. That’s why successful self-publishers need to go the extra mile to stand out against established competitors. Successful self-publishers have become a disruptive force that enables readers to gain access to the content they wouldn’t otherwise see. Overall, this is a great thing for the publishing industry in general.