Publishers and Authors often rush to their medicine cabinet to fetch their stress tabs every time they get a bad review. Nevertheless, seasoned publishers know that a bad review is nothing to lose sleep over. In this article, we are going to take a look at four reasons why a bad review is not necessarily a bad thing.
- It’s a Learning Experience
Oftentimes, bad reviews and comments don’t intentionally mean to be hurtful. Nevertheless, honest opinions can really sting. That’s what it’s important to take bad reviews as a learning experience. Unless a comment or review is filled with insults, there can be valuable lessons to be distilled from a bad review. These opinions may shed light on something that was missed during editing. As a result, bad reviews can serve as a source of future improvements.
- It’s an Opportunity to Reflect on Aims
A bad comment can serve as an opportunity to reflect on the contents’ aims. After all, there is a reason why it was published in the first place. It could be that negative reviews make it clear that the content did not hit the mark. As such, reflecting on how and why the content missed the mark is a great opportunity to refine it. In the worst of cases, it might mean going back to the drawing board. Successful writers and publishers know that a bad review is always an opportunity for growth. Of course, there will always be haters. But that shouldn’t discourage authors and publishers from trying their best.
- It’s a Chance to Assess Outcomes
Negative reviews may be a sign that the intended message did not come across properly. Generally speaking, failing to meet an outcome is due to a message not finding the right audience. In part, it could be due to ineffective marketing. Other times, it could be the result of improper branding. That’s why it’s important to be clear on who the intended audience is, and making sure they hear the message.
When assessing outcomes, it’s important to have objective criteria to measure them. For instance, negative reviews can correlate with poor sales. Also, a bad review can provide insight into why revenue is low. Based on this information, publishers can assess the direction their content is taking.
- It’s a Test of Strength
Sadly, some newcomers to the publishing world throw in the towel early on. Some can’t get discouraged by the lack of traction, while others can’t take the criticism. The fact is that negative comments are a test of strength. Authors and publishers often need to lick their wounds and keep moving. That is a true sign of strength. Commitment to excellence is often bred from bad experiences. Ultimately, resolving to take bad comments with a grain of salt can enable publishers to move past a bad comment and continue to get their message out there. Indeed, it’s important to learn important lessons and move on. There is no need to dwell on a bad review. There will always be another chance to get it right.