Producing good audiobooks is easier now more than ever. While it’s not necessarily easy to produce an audiobook, it’s a far simpler process than it used to be. It’s a lot more straightforward now thanks to ACX. ACX is a platform you can use to produce quality audiobooks effectively. ACX is owned by Amazon. So, that’s both a blessing and a curse. If you’re publishing on Amazon, then it makes sense to use ACX. However, if you’re not keen on Amazon, then you may have to look for another alternative. Nevertheless, you don’t have to publish on Amazon if you use ACX.
The biggest advantage of working with ACX is that all of the services you need to produce an audiobook are there. You can find good narrators, get the audio produced, plus correct any issues you find with the audio. As such, it’s a great place to start for newcomers to the audiobook scene. That being said, there are three important elements you need to consider when producing an audiobook, so, stick around.
Host Narrator Auditions
Your choice of narrator is crucial. Getting it right can make all the difference in the world. That’s why the first step is to audition narrators so you can find the right one for you. Luckily, ACX allows you to host auditions on the spot.
When you post your project, narrators can bid on them. As such, they will manifest their interest and decide if your offer is appealing. The narrators can then audition for your project. All you have to do is ask them to read through a passage from your book. You can then listen to that passage, and make a choice. If you would like to hear more from them, you can ask them to submit an additional sample. Of course, you could always check out their profile to see some of their work. Ultimately, you can check out as many narrators as you like. From there, you can choose the one that best suits your project.
Choose a Payment Model
This element is critical. Since you need to pay the narrator for their services, there are two ways you can go about this. The first is to pay upfront, that is, pay the hourly rate that is attached to your project. This hourly rate can vary from $15 to $50 an hour. The most sought-after narrators have higher rates whereas new and inexperienced narrators will command a lower rate. In this scheme, you pay for their services, and that’s that.
The second option is to share royalties. In this scheme, you don’t pay anything upfront. As such, it means the narrator produces your book for “free” but then receives a cut from your sales. This rate can be negotiated on an individual basis. Just be wary that if you choose this option, your book will be sold exclusively on Audible for three years. This means that you cannot sell it on your website either unless customers a redirected to Audible.
Review the Audio as Closely as Possible
When you review the finished audio, go through it as thoroughly as possible. This will help you pick up any issues that you feel may need to be corrected. The narrator will then go back to make sure it meets your expectations. In theory, you can be as picky as you like. However, it’s always best to be realistic. As long as there are no clear pronunciation mistakes, the audio is perfectly clear (there are no recording issues), and the overall tone for your book is conveyed, then you can consider it a done deal. Please bear in mind that the closer you review the audio, the longer the process will take. So, it’s important to be cognizant of this fact.