When you set out to produce high-quality audiobooks, it is logical to assume that you want them to be as successful as possible. That’s why you must ensure that your entire creative and production process reflects your commitment to the highest quality content possible. Naturally, successful audiobooks don’t grow on trees. That is why we are going to take a look at three ways in which you can make your audiobooks highly successful.
Promoting Your Audiobook
Much of the success of your audiobooks depends on the way you choose to promote them. This is where many publishers tend to fail. The reason is that publishers fail to find the right channels to promote their audiobooks. The most common way to promote books nowadays is through social media. After all, if you don’t have any presence on social media, you practically don’t exist. However, there is so much more than social media.
You can use other types of ways to promote your material. For example, starting a YouTube channel dedicated to sharing content related to your niche is a great idea. Individual authors love to post their ideas on YouTube. Then, their followers can get additional content that is meant to encourage them to buy their book(s). Also, webinars are a great way for both authors and publishers to share valuable content with their followers. You don’t need to run webinars every week. Often, monthly webinars do the trick quite well.
Engage Followers
A surefire way to promote your material is to engage your followers. By engaging your followers, we mean getting them actively involved in the creative process. For instance, you’re working on a new book. You can get various narrators to submit their samples for your book. You can then take two or three of the samples and have your followers vote for their favorite. You can then use that feedback to make your final decision. This is a very useful way to get your audience involved at various stages of the process.
Also, don’t be afraid to ask your followers to give you ideas about what content they would like to get from you. From there, you can always thank them for their ideas and contributions. That way, you always make your audience feel like one big tribe.
Evaluate Your Process
Lastly, don’t be afraid to evaluate your entire creative, production, and sales process. Often, authors and publishers simply run with it but don’t take the time to reflect on the effectiveness of their processes. This evaluation is important as it can help you spot which areas need improvement. For example, if sales are lower than anticipated, you must figure out where things didn’t go as expected. By the same token, if your book was highly successful, you would need to figure out where you got it right. These lessons will help you make your audiobook as successful as it can be.