You might be surprised to find that self-publishing doesn’t necessarily require you to have a specific skill set, rather it can help you develop new ones. Indeed, self-publishing is not the type of endeavor you can get a college degree for. It’s the type of endeavor that requires experience and expertise but also helps you develop a highly specific skill set.
In this article, we are going to explore four skills that you will come to develop when you get into the world of self-publishing. Additionally, you’ll find that developing these skills doesn’t require any complicated training. In many ways, they are a combination of common sense and practical abilities.
1. Accountability
When you go the self-publishing route, there will be no one to push you to meet any deadlines. You can take as long as you want to publish books, run ads, or create new material. This is both a blessing and a curse. On the one hand, you don’t have anyone needlessly pushing you with unrealistic expectations. On the other, you need to be disciplined enough to get the job done as soon as you can. That way, you can publish the materials that will yield the earnings you seek.
2. Connections
If you believe self-publishing is a one-man band, you are mistaken. Unless you have absolutely all of the skills required to get a book out there, you will need to reach out to other folks. This implies making connections with all sorts of people. For instance, you need to work with writers, editors, designers, and marketers. If you have your own website, you will also need to stay in touch with web developers and programmers. Indeed, the term “self” in “self-publishing” is only limited to the responsibility that comes with it. However, the profits are also yours to keep.
3. Opportunities
Successful self-publishers need to sense opportunity. They can’t go about hoping that the next big idea will fall into their lap. They need to scour around searching for the right topics readers are interested in. Please check out some of our other blog posts on keyword research to learn more about how you can find opportunities. You will find that by conducting research, you will know exactly what people want to read. In the end, you won’t have to wrack your brain to find new ideas. The tools are there for you to use.
4. Learning
If there is any skill that you want to develop as a self-publisher, it is the skill of learning. Yes, you will learn A LOT in the world of self-publisher. As you gain experience, you will find that there are many things you don’t know much about. As such, you will have no choice but to learn about them. You may need to take a course or watch tutorials. You may even reach out to other folks you know. Moreover, you will definitely need to hire other professionals who can help. If you are reluctant to learn, then it will be very hard for you to find the success you seek.
So, take this new endeavor you’re on as a growth opportunity. You will be so much better for it in the end.