Great books seldom get discovered on their own. The chances that your book will become an instant sensation are slim to none. You need to put some effort into marketing your materials. Otherwise, very few people will come into contact with your content.
In this article, we are going to look at four great ways you can engage your readers so that your content will get out there in the open. That way, you can encourage as many people as possible to discover your content. Then, you can give your books a chance to become truly popular. Ultimately, you will have a clear path to success.
Build a Consistent Narrative
One of the biggest mistakes you can make is disconnecting your books from your personal narrative. For example, if you’re a financial expert, writing a book and health and fitness may confuse the people you know. After all, if you’re known for your financial acumen, wouldn’t it make sense to publish books about such topics?
When you build a consistent narrative, you can engage your followers because they already know you. So, they’ll be far likelier to give your material a chance. They will be certain that your book will offer them the value they have come to expect.
Don’t Skimp on Marketing
When we talk about marketing, there is no need to spend thousands of dollars on expensive ads. All you need is to leverage existing media to get the word out. Social media is a great place to start. For instance, creating a closed Facebook group is a great place to start. You can invite friends, colleagues, and business associates to join. While the focal point of the group is your book, you can provide additional content that only group members can access. From there, you can generate true organic growth.
Use Promotions and Giveaways
Some authors and publishers shy away from giveaways. They feel that giving away their book for free to discourage other readers from paying for it. However, you don’t need to give your book away for free to hold a successful giveaway.
Some authors offer free signed hard copies of their books during a promotional effort. Others offer bundles at a discounted rate. Additionally, you could offer one-on-one sessions with loyal followers. Nowadays, a 15-minute Zoom call can go a long way toward generating unbelievable engagement with your audience.
Put Yourself Out There
Putting yourself out there is paramount. In the past, this meant doing TV interviews and book signing tours. Nowadays, you can leverage social media and video-sharing platforms like YouTube. Using these platforms will provide you the opportunity to make yourself known. Your audience will know where to find you. As such, they can follow you a lot more easily. In the end, you can reach a worldwide audience without having to even leave the comfort of your home.
So, put yourself out there. You only need to be yourself, and nothing else!