For every grand slam in the self-publishing space, there are hundreds of flops. This statement is not meant to demotivate you or convince you to give up. Instead, it’s meant to help you focus on the fact that not everyone is successful.
So, the question we should be asking is, “why?”
That’s right.
We need to ask ourselves why most books fail. By understanding this question, we can distill lessons that we can then apply to our own endeavors. So, let’s take a look at three important lessons derived from failed self-published books. That way, you can steer clear of the minefield that is gaining traction in the self-publishing space.
Lesson Number One: Your Book Is a Rant
There is no question that we all have something important we want to say. We all have a message that we want to share with the world; and it’s an important message. However, it’s not a question of what you say, it’s a question of how you say it.
In publishing, you must have a well-articulated idea that you can express clearly and eloquently. Now, this has nothing to do with your writing style. It has everything to do with finding your voice. When you do, then you can convey that voice to your readers.
That’s where your readers will discover you.
The worst thing you can do is try to be someone you’re not. For example, many authors try their best to sound as smart as they can.
That is not going to impress anyone. So, try your best to let your true voice shine. That will resonate with your audience.
Lesson Number Two: Your Emotions Got the Better of You
Many authors get carried away with their emotions. They use their story as a means of venting their feelings. In short, their book sounds like a diary. For instance, if you let ill feelings creep into your book, readers may feel like you’re complaining more than informing.
Now, there is nothing wrong with showing your true feelings. However, you need to avoid your book becoming a showcase for bottled-up feelings that have been longing to surface. So, try your best to deliver your story as it was meant to be. Your readers will greatly appreciate your efforts. You have a story that needs to be told the best way possible.
Lesson Number Three: You Rushed Through Your Book
Lots of folks are gung-ho about finishing their book. However, they might get discouraged midway through. So, what do they do? They end up laboring through the back half. Sometimes, you might find yourself trying to get through it as soon as you can.
That doesn’t make for the best writing.
Please bear in mind that writing should be a labor of love. You are doing it because you like it. There is something you want to say. As such, you should strive to make your book as neat as possible.
Also, don’t be afraid to get feedback. Have people you trust to go through your manuscript. They will offer you honest advice intended to improve your work. In the end, you’ll have a neatly polished piece you can be proud of.