Nowadays, social media is the place to be for publishers. If you don’t take advantage of social media, you practically have no presence in the world. Social media provides publishers and authors with a unique opportunity to get their message out there easily and effectively.
In this article, we are going to look at five ways in which you can use social media to market your books easily and effectively. You’ll be surprised to find it’s much easier than you think.
Spread your Strategy Across Various Platforms
While you might focus your strategy on one platform, you ought to strive to create a presence across various platforms. This is especially true if your content has a cross-cutting appeal. For instance, Facebook caters to an older audience while Instagram captures a younger demographic. Also, LinkedIn can be used for professional, industry-specific publications while Twitter can reach a massive audience. Ultimately, it boils down to posting relevant content related to your book. That way, your audience will see the value in your content, thereby compelling them to pick up your books.
Leverage YouTube to your Advantage
Authors love YouTube because it enables them to share their thoughts and ideas with their audience. As such, YouTube content is meant to spark the audience’s interest in the topic. Eventually, they’ll pick up a copy of the books you are promoting. If you are a publisher with multiple authors and topics, you can hone in on individual topics you wish to promote.
The Power of Communities
Facebook allows you to create groups of users. These groups are generally thematic, meaning they are related to a specific topic. For instance, you can create a “pet lovers” group in which you post content related to this subject. The group itself provides you with the opportunity to pitch your books to interested individuals. In the end, you can generate buzz around the topic, thereby enabling you to make the most of your audience. The most your following grows, the broader the net you can cast every time you publish new content.
Promoting Niche Topics
If you’re publishing content for a specific niche market, social media can help you target the audience you seek. Aside from communities, creating profiles related to your niche market can help you gain the attention you seek. If you’re an author, your public profile can be geared toward your niche. If you’re a publisher with multiple authors and topics, you can create a topic-centered profile. That way, readers can check in regularly to find new goodies pertaining to your content. Your choice of platform depends on your content and target audience.
Posting Sneak Peeks
A great way to entice readers is to post excerpts of upcoming releases. In this way, readers can get an idea of what they can expect in the full publication. Moreover, producing short video content on Facebook or Instagram can be quite powerful. Authors like to leverage this type of content as a means of creating a personal angle to upcoming releases. So, don’t be afraid to lift back the curtain just a little bit!