EWS Publisher Spotlight

E-Writer Solutions (Publisher Success Portal) Features someone special to the self-publishing game…Self-publishing mogul Alexander Toledo. Toledo regularly makes between $20,000 and $30,000 per month from his self-publishing mini-empire that features multiple imprints across a variety of genres both fiction and non-fiction. He’s not content to rest on his laurels, and his 2021 goals including building up two new fledgling imprints and ensuring they are both double digit monthly earners by next summer.
Between now and then, he’s focusing on his newest venture, IPublishGhostwriters.com with the goal of helping others find the level of success that he’s experienced. Toledo, a former RN who is currently pursuing his doctorate, he is most passionate about providing others the tools to experience the ways in which self-publishing can allow them to focus on putting their family first.

“I had tried other online businesses…because I was traveling for work at the time and had to fly back home here to Florida every single month to get my two little boys. So, I went on this mission to establish a new income stream for myself so I could afford traveling back and forth once a month.”
Toledo goes on to say, “I tried a couple of online things. I tried Amazon FBA. I tried, the MLM pyramid thing and, I came across publishing and it wasn’t immediate success but my first year, I did make a profit. I launched the business and then, the second year, I really went at it hard and my business did go from night to day; from one year to the next. So, I was, I was profitable year number one into the business and then grossly profitable thereafter.”
When still getting his feet wet in the publishing world, Toledo checked out many courses that, to him, seemed extremely suspect. “I came across a lot of shady, a lot of crappy courses and, they really didn’t teach you how to make money,” he remembers. “When I first started this pursuit of making an income online, I said when I finally figure a way to make money online that I can ten thousand a month, I’m going to create a course for people to really be able to buy a course and make money, not all of this nonsense.”

During the early years of his publishing career when he was still working as an RN, Toledo traveled far and wide and saw people who were in dire need of the type of passive income he was in the process of discovering. “I got to work with a lot of retired nurses that had to go back to work because, you know, they just don’t make enough income and their husbands were not working,” he lamented. “So, I wanted to create a course; I always told the people that I worked with, and I worked in a lot of different hospitals throughout the country, I said, you know what, when, when I make it, I’m going to create a course for you guys.”
When asked what sets his course apart from the competition Toledo is quick to tout his personal experience and point out that, unlike some of his competition, he isn’t afraid to give a full behind-the-scenes look at the process. “I show the books that I’ve published. I show you how they rank,” he explained. “I show you my sales. I show you how many books I’ve sold on ACX. I’m not afraid to show what keywords. I laugh at people on Facebook and all these guys that are afraid to give you keywords.”
Overall, the pitch for Toledo’s course is simple. In his own words, “My course is going to be different in that I show you that I’m a real publisher, that I make money doing this. I show you my actual work including the pen names of my books so that you get to see my back office. I’ve never seen anybody do that.”
For more information visit IPublishGhostwriters.com.

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You Must Show Proof That Your Income From Self-Publishing Averages At Least $5000 A Month.